Gay bar columbus ohio

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My guess, it was an hour to an hour and a half until I woke up.”īecause the men took Ashcraft’s wallet, Columbus police are currently investigating the attack as a robbery, saying there isn’t enough evidence to classify the incident as a hate crime. “When I was on the ground they kicked me in the face until I was unconscious.

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I don’t really remember much from that point on,” Ashcraft told WCPO.

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Chris Ashcraft, gay man from northern Kentucky, says he was beaten by a group of men outside a Columbus, Ohio, bar on June 6 because of his sexual orientation, reports WCPO.Īccording to Ashcraft, he was smoking outside the Southbend Tavern in the Merion Village neighborhood when a man approached him asking for assistance with his car at approximately 9:30 p.m.Īfter the he agreed to help, the 25-year-old says, he was jumped by several men who viciously beat him, leaving him unconscious in an alley behind the bar.

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