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Get more stories of transformation, power, and control: Ĭheck out my neighbor Alan – so cocky and proud with his muscles. I’m just a tiny little man, totally at the mercy of my giant sweaty roommate. No, please no, I’m getting so small! So helpless! I can tell this is turning him on – his dick is getting hard. He’s taken off his gym shorts and I can smell his damp jockstrap. I’m staring up at him, this big sweaty hairy man. No, don’t lift up your arms – ah, fuck, the smell is so strong! I’m getting really small now, like less than half my size. A shrinking helpless man, stumbling towards him. Nathan, please don’t, I’m sorry – don’t shrink me! Don’t make me tiny! Fuck, I’m getting so small … I’ve already lost a foot of height. I can smell him from here … and I can feel the shrinking starting to take hold of me. I know how he’s going to punish me when he gets back from the gym – he’s going to use the smell of his sweat to shrink me. Oh no – my roommate Nathan ordered me to clean the apartment today, and I forgot.

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